Saturday, May 23, 2015

E-commerce - Introduction

Hello Everyone,

I am Luckbir Singh. For the next few weeks I am going to talk about E-commerce. Probably many of you may have heard this term before. For those who haven’t heard this term before E-commerce generally refers to buying & selling of things online via electronic channels such as internet. Anything can be offered via e-commerce from clothes, footwear, jewelry, music, books etc. Conducting business over the internet is common these days and most of us probably do it on daily basis. Yeah! We all love to shop online.
I became fond of online shopping too lately and I will be spending this weekend looking for shoes online. I hope I will find some nice shoes. Will share my experience and more about e-commerce next week. Till then happy shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Hi lucky
    This information is interesting one and in this era online shopping crazy thing. I hope will get more information of E-commerce.
